Nearshoring Portugal: Benefits Guide

Read our comprehensive guide to learn more about IT Nearshoring Portugal and why is an ideal destination for nearshoring.

Portugal has emerged as a top destination for nearshore software development, offering a compelling blend of skilled talent, strategic location, and cost-effectiveness. According to reports from industry experts, the country's high-quality IT professionals, cultural alignment with Western business practices, and favorable time zone make it an attractive option for companies seeking to outsource their development needs while maintaining close collaboration.

Advantages of IT Nearshoring Portugal

Strategic Location and Accessibility

Portugal's geographical position makes it a natural bridge between Europe and the Americas. With major cities like Lisbon and Porto boasting excellent international connections, it's easy for businesses to maintain close ties with their nearshore teams. The country's Schengen membership further simplifies travel for EU-based companies, eliminating visa headaches for frequent visits.

Time Zone Harmony

One of Portugal's understated strengths is its time zone. Sharing the same time as the UK and only an hour behind most of continental Europe, it allows for seamless collaboration with European clients. Even for North American companies, the 5-hour difference with EST provides a substantial overlap in working hours, facilitating real-time communication and problem-solving. The time zone alignment with most of Western Europe and a manageable overlap with East Coast US business hours facilitates smooth communication and collaboration, making it an ideal choice for nearshore development teams.

A Hub of Tech Talent

Portugal isn't just riding the wave of the tech boom – it's helping to create it. The country has produced an impressive seven tech unicorns, outpacing larger neighbors like Spain and Italy combined. This thriving ecosystem is supported by a strong emphasis on STEM education, with Portugal boasting one of the highest rates of engineering graduates in the EU.

English Proficiency: Breaking Down Language Barriers

Portugal's strong ties to Western business practices and values ensure smooth cultural alignment with international clients. More over, the country boasts an impressive level of English proficiency, ranking 7th in Europe for English language skills. This linguistic advantage significantly reduces communication barriers and enhances project outcomes, making collaboration with Portuguese teams seamless and efficient.

Quality of Life: Attracting and Retaining Talent

Portugal offers an enviable quality of life, consistently ranking high in global peace and safety indices. The country ranked 6th in the Global Peace Index 2022, highlighting its stability and safety. The country's mild climate, rich cultural heritage, and welcoming atmosphere make it an attractive destination for tech professionals. This high quality of life contributes to employee satisfaction and retention, ensuring stability in your nearshore team.

Cost-Effective Excellence

Portugal offers highly cost-effective software development solutions without compromising on quality. The country's competitive salary structures and lower cost of living compared to other Western European nations result in significant cost savings for businesses.

According to the 2020 Deloitte Global Outsourcing Survey, Portugal ranks as the third most cost-effective location in Europe for outsourcing, trailing only Poland and Romania. This advantageous quality-to-cost ratio allows companies to optimize their budgets while maintaining high standards of excellence in software development.

Additionally, the average salary for a software developer in Portugal is approximately € 27,000 per year, which is considerably lower than in many other European countries, further contributing to the cost-effectiveness of nearshoring to Portugal.

Innovation-Friendly Environment

Portugal's government has shown a strong commitment to fostering innovation and supporting the tech sector. From hosting the renowned Web Summit to implementing digital nomad visa programs, the country is actively positioning itself as a tech-friendly destination.

Portugal's IT Talent Pool

Portugal boasts a robust and diverse IT talent pool, with over 95,000 experts and 10,000+ software companies contributing to its thriving tech ecosystem. The country produces more than 90,000 STEM graduates annually, continuously expanding its skilled workforce. Portuguese developers are particularly proficient in full-stack, back-end, and front-end development, with expertise in popular programming languages such as Python, PHP, React, Vue.js, and Golang.

This versatile talent pool, combined with Portugal's strong focus on education and digital skills initiatives like the "Portugal's Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition," positions the country as an attractive destination for companies seeking skilled IT professionals. This concentration of expertise makes finding the right talent for your projects easier than ever.

Navigating Cultural Compatibility

Portugal's cultural compatibility with Western business practices makes it an ideal nearshoring destination. The country's strong ties to European values and work ethics facilitate smooth collaboration with international partners. Portuguese professionals are known for their adaptability and proficiency in English, with the country ranking 7th in Europe for English language skills. This linguistic advantage, combined with Portugal's emphasis on relationship-building and social networks, enhances communication and project outcomes. Additionally,

Portugal's rich cultural heritage, including its UNESCO World Heritage sites and unique artistic expressions like Fado music, provides a stimulating environment for creative and innovative thinking. However, potential partners should be aware of certain cultural nuances, such as a more relaxed approach to time management and a hierarchical orientation in organizational structures, which may require some adjustment in work processes.

Top IT Universities in Portugal

Portugal boasts several top-tier institutions for IT education, with the University of Lisbon's Superior Technical Institute leading the pack. According to industry rankings, other notable institutions include the University of Porto, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, and the University of Coimbra. These universities offer comprehensive programs in software development, computer science, and engineering, producing a steady stream of skilled IT professionals.

The University of Porto, for instance, is ranked as the highest Portuguese institution in global computer science rankings. These institutions not only provide strong academic foundations but also emphasize practical skills, with many incorporating industry collaborations and internships into their curricula.

This focus on both theoretical knowledge and hands-on experience ensures that graduates are well-prepared to meet the demands of the rapidly evolving IT sector, contributing significantly to Portugal's growing reputation as a hub for tech talent.

Government Initiatives in Tech Education

Portugal has implemented several government initiatives to enhance digital skills and promote technological education across the country. The National Digital Skills Initiative e.2030 (INCoDe.2030) is a comprehensive public policy program aimed at strengthening digital competencies among Portuguese citizens.

This initiative covers various aspects of digital literacy, from basic skills to advanced technological knowledge, and is organized into five action lines to ensure broad coverage and gender equality in tech education. The Portuguese government has also launched the Action Plan for the Digital Transition, which focuses on digital education, professional training, and digital inclusion.

Additionally, the curriculum for primary and secondary education now includes Information and Communication Technologies as a core subject, reflecting the country's commitment to tech education.

These initiatives, combined with programs like EUSOUDIGITAL and Apps for Good, demonstrate Portugal's proactive approach to developing a digitally skilled workforce and fostering innovation in the technology sector.

The Portuguese government has implemented several initiatives to boost the country's tech sector. Programs like the Tech Visa and various tax incentives for R&D activities create a supportive environment for tech companies andstartups. This proactive approach has contributed to Portugal's growing reputation as a hub for tech innovation and investment in Europe.

Remote Work Infrastructure in Portugal

Portugal has established itself as a leading destination for remote work, offering excellent infrastructure to support digital nomads and remote workers. The country boasts high-speed internet connectivity, with median broadband speeds exceeding 100 Mbps for downloads and around 50 Mbps for uploads.

Major cities like Lisbon and Porto provide extensive 4G mobile coverage, with average smartphone download speeds of 35 Mbps. Portugal's commitment to digital infrastructure is evident in its ranking as the 28th country globally for mobile speeds and 22nd for fixed broadband speeds as of July 2022. The country features numerous Wi-Fi hotspots and co-working spaces, particularly in urban centers, catering to the needs of remote workers.

Additionally, Portugal's government has invested heavily in attracting foreign workers through initiatives like the Tech Visa program and the Non-Habitual Resident tax status, which offers significant tax benefits to new residents.

These factors, combined with Portugal's affordable cost of living and high quality of life, have contributed to its reputation as one of the world's best destinations for remote work and digital nomads.

Portugal has invested heavily in its digital infrastructure, boasting high-speed internet connectivity and a well-developed network of co-working spaces. The country's commitment to digital transformation is evident in its ranking on the Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI),positioning it as a tech-ready nation capable of supporting advanced IT operations.

Tax Incentives for Tech Companies

Portugal offers a range of tax incentives to attract and support tech companies, making it an increasingly appealing destination for investment and innovation in the technology sector. The country has implemented several programs to encourage research and development (R&D) activities and promote business growth.

One of the key incentives is the SIFIDE (Sistema de Incentivos Fiscais em Investigação e Desenvolvimento Empresarial) program, which allows companies to deduct a percentage of their R&D expenses from corporate income tax. This system supports businesses in their R&D efforts, potentially leading to significant tax savings. Additionally, Portugal provides tax benefits for investment in non-current assets, allowing companies to deduct a percentage of their investment from assessed taxable income.

For tech startups and small to medium-sized enterprises, there's a reinvestment incentive that enables eligible companies to benefit from a corporate income tax credit of up to 25% of the tax due when reinvesting retained earnings. These incentives, combined with Portugal's strategic location and skilled workforce, contribute to its growing reputation as a hub for tech innovation and investment in Europe.

Living Costs Comparison: Portugal vs. Other Countries

Portugal offers a significantly lower cost of living compared to many other Western countries, making it an attractive destination for expatriates, digital nomads, and businesses looking to nearshore operations. Here's a detailed comparison of living costs between Portugal and other countries: Portugal vs. Western European Countries:

  • Consumer prices in Portugal are 29.2% lower than in France and 27.5% lower than in Germany, excluding housing costs.
  • Portugal's cost of living is 4.4% lower than Spain's, not accounting for housing.

Portugal vs. United Kingdom

Overall Cost of Living (without rent)37.6% lower in Portugal
Cost of Living (including rent)34.7% lower in Portugal
Rent Prices29.0% lower in Portugal
Restaurant Prices70.1% lower in Portugal
Groceries Prices30.5% lower in Portugal
Local Purchasing Power105.8% higher in UK

Portugal vs. United States

The cost of living difference between Portugal and the US is even more pronounced:

  • Consumer prices (excluding rent) in the US are 56.2% higher than in Portugal.
  • Consumer prices (including rent) are 62.5% higher in the US than in Portugal.
  • When comparing capital cities, consumer prices in Washington, DC are 66.4% higher than in Lisbon (without rent) and 77.9% higher (including rent).

Specific Cost Comparisons

Dining Out

  1. A meal at an inexpensive restaurant costs around €10 in Portugal, compared to €17.74 (£15) in the UK.
  2. A three-course meal for two at a mid-range restaurant is about €40 in Portugal, versus €70.96 (£60) in the UK.


  1. A monthly public transport pass costs approximately €40 in Portugal, while in the UK it's €82.79 (£70).
  2. Gasoline prices are similar, with Portugal at €6.44 per gallon and the UK at €6.65 per gallon.


  1. Basic utilities (electricity, heating, cooling, water, garbage) for an 85m2 apartment cost around €110 per month in Portugal.


  1. Grocery prices in Portugal are 96.6% lower than in the USA.

These comparisons demonstrate that Portugal offers a significantly more affordable cost of living compared to other Western countries, particularly in areas such as dining out, rent, and everyday expenses. This cost advantage, combined with Portugal's high quality of life, makes it an appealing option for individuals and businesses looking to optimize their budgets without sacrificing living standards.

IT Salary Comparison

Portugal offers competitive salaries in the IT sector while maintaining a lower cost of living compared to many other Western countries. This combination makes it an attractive destination for both tech professionals and companies looking to establish or expand their operations. Here's a comparison of IT salaries in Portugal versus other countries:

CountryAverage Annual IT Salary (EUR)
Portugal24,000 - 50,000
United States70,000 - 90,000
United Kingdom45,000 - 65,000
Germany50,000 - 70,000
Spain30,000 - 50,000

In Portugal, the salary range for IT professionals varies depending on experience and specific roles:

  • Entry-level positions typically start around €15,000 per year.
  • Mid-level developers with 5-10 years of experience can earn between €45,000 to €70,000 annually.
  • Senior roles like Software Architects or Engineering Managers can command salaries up to €43,000 or more.

While these figures are lower than in countries like the United States or Germany, it's important to consider the cost of living. Consumer prices in the US are 56.2% higher than in Portugal, and when including rent, they are 62.5% higher. This means that the purchasing power of IT professionals in Portugal can be comparable or even higher than in some more expensive countries.

The Portuguese tech industry has seen salary growth in recent years. Estimates suggest IT salaries in Portugal are increasing by 6% to 9% annually, driven by foreign companies' interest in Portuguese talent. However, salaries in Portugal remain lower than in many other European countries and the US, which is one of the factors attracting international companies to establish operations here.

It's worth noting that while salaries are an important factor, many tech professionals in Portugal are increasingly motivated by other aspects such as work-life balance and career growth opportunities. The country's high quality of life, combined with its growing tech ecosystem and government initiatives to support the industry, makes it an appealing destination for IT professionals despite the lower nominal salaries.

Additionally, Portugal offers tax incentives for new residents, such as the Non-Habitual Resident (NHR) tax status, which can provide significant tax breaks for foreign workers. This can further enhance the financial attractiveness of working in Portugal's tech sector.In summary, while IT salaries in Portugal are generally lower than in some other Western countries, the lower cost of living, tax incentives, and high quality of life make it a competitive and attractive option for tech professionals and companies alike.

Success Stories of Portuguese Startups

Portugal's startup ecosystem has been flourishing in recent years, with several success stories emerging across various sectors. The country has seen a significant increase in startup investment, with funding growing by 30% annually in Lisbon since 2016, twice the European average. Notable success stories include Stratio, a Lisbon-based startup founded in 2017 that uses machine learning to minimize fleet vehicle disruptions. Stratio raised $12 million in funding in November 2021.

Another example is SheerMe, a health and wellness platform founded in 2020, which secured $2.51 million in seed funding in July 2023. The Portuguese government has also implemented supportive policies, such as the Startup Visa program and the creation of free zones to strengthen technology-driven investments.

These initiatives, combined with Portugal's growing attractiveness to foreign investors, have contributed to the country's rise as a prominent startup hub in Europe.


Portugal's unique combination of skilled talent, strategic location, cost-effectiveness, and supportive business environment makes it a compelling choice for IT nearshoring. As companies increasingly look for reliable and efficient outsourcing solutions, Portugal stands out as a destination that offers the best of both worlds – European quality standards and competitive pricing.

By choosing Portugal as your nearshore partner, you're not just outsourcing work; you're tapping into a vibrant tech ecosystem that can drive innovation and growth for your business. Whether you're looking for staff augmentation or a dedicated development team, Portugal offers the expertise, infrastructure, and business-friendly environment to make your IT projects a success.

Ready to explore the possibilities of IT nearshoring in Portugal? Contact Unlocking Tech to learn how we can help you leverage the advantages of the Portuguese tech landscape for your business needs.

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